Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thesis Statements

1. Road rage causes numerous negative efffects on roads and highways.
2. You rarely see violence in Disney films.
3. There are many different types of ants.
4. Animals in need can bring out the human kindness in many.
5. Droughts can be cause by many different things
6. The Shining is one of the many great books written by Stephen King.
7. Hundreds of people died during the sinking of the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean
8. Drug addicition in America has ruined many peoples lives.
9. The movie Saving Private Ryan, is
10. Rabbits can be poor pets for various reasons.
11. A United States president should have charisma, compassion, and control.
12. The realm of most beauty pagents is the drop-dead gorgeous look.
13. Many people would agree that should uniforms are necessary.
14. William Shakespeare is the author of many great plays and novels.
15. Aromatherapy helps to soothe the mind, body, and spirt in many differen ways.

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